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Create a complete Typo3 website by using the Fluid Template Engine

TIP: For an easier creation, management and reuse of TYPO3 Fluid-Templates, I recommend using the Fluid-Template-Manager (short FTM).

Today i will check out the new Template Engine Fluid, that’s to be the default Template Engine in Typo3 Version 5.

So, why Fluid? The fifth version of Typo3 aspires the separation of the logic and the appearance, therefore have the Typo3 developers the system from the ground up renovated. Cause a view in a Model-View-Controller system, can much more provide as a relatively static system, as the conventional subparts and markers can do.

First of all, because i just have to develop a complete new website, we will do all the needed activities from the start. ;)
Now we will split these ‘little’ project in some subparts:

    1. Install Typo3 4.5
    2. Import the ExtBase and the Fluid Template Engine
    3. Create base HTML Fluid Templates
    4. Configure the Fluid TypoScript and create Backend-Templates
    5. Create a Typo3 Menu/Navigation and include it in a Fluid-Template

We beginning with download the current Typo3 sourcecode from http://typo3.org/download/, extracted the sourcecode and uploaded these to the destination Server.

If the upload progress is done, we create a file named ‘ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL’ and copy it also on the webspace into the ‘typo3conf’ directory.

After that, navigate with your browser into the Typo3 Install-Tool:


The first message i’ve receive, is:

TYPO3 Fatal Error: /var/www/virtual/***/dev/htdocs/typo3conf/localconf.php is not writable!

Ok… I give these file more permissions and try it again ;)

And further i adjust also the ‘typo3conf’ and ‘typo3temp’ diretory permissions. Now the Install-Tool should be displayed (show image), and we do the following steps:

1. Enter your Database Connection (show image)
2. Select or create a database (show image)
3. If the ‘fileadmin’ and the ‘uploads’ directory not already have the required permission, adjust it (show image)
4. Choose the blank package, because we didn’t need the default configuration (show image)

That’s it, now you have finished the Typo3 installation (show image)

To login into the Typo3 Backend, navigate to the backend page (show image):


There you can login with the default user, that is:
Name: admin
Password: password

Now where you are logged in, the first thing you should do is to change the password! After that, don’t forget to change also the Install-Tool password ;)

Read here the next step: Import the ExtBase and the Fluid Template Engine into Typo3 4.5

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